Tuesday, March 29, 2011

se las trae

se las trae - ser seco para algo, ser peleador/a, a veces se usa con un tono irónico, tb se usa cuando alguien es más de lo que parece. Quizás más astuto que pareciera... to be good at something, to be an argumentative person, sometimes this expression is used ironically, but it seems not always, also it's used when someone is more than they seem. Perhaps more astute than they let on.

Esta expresión ha sido difícil para mi definir porque cuando preguntaba a los chilenos que significa la expresion, no entendia como la expresion podria significar "weon seco" pero a la vez ser peyorativo, pero la clave esta en la definicion que da el DRAE:

traerselas - se aplica a aquello que tiene mas intención, malicia, o dificultades de lo que a primera vista parece - this expression is applied to that which has more intention, malice/mischief/slyness, or difficulties then what it seems at first

So using this definition, I can see where "se las trae" can be pejorative or not. If it's pejorative, the speaker is highlighting the "malicia" in a bad way. Somebody screwing someone else over for example. However if it's meant as a compliment, I can see how it shows how the person "outsmarted" or "outdid" the rest. That the person has more ability than meets the eye. Especially in sports. Like when Chupete Suazo plays soccer, "se las trae."

Cesar: Oye weon viste el gol de Chupete? Enganchó a la izquieda, salió a la derecha, y al final, sacó el arquero antes de hacer el gol!!

Mario: Se las trae!

Cesar: Dude, did you see Chupete's [Suazo] goal? He faked left, went right, and finally took out the goalie before scoring!

Mario: He's awesome! *

Jechu: Ten cuidado con la Isi que se las trae.

Jechu: Be careful with Isi, because she's slyer than she seems.

general Spanish, colloquial

* I haven't found a good translation for "se las trae"...the meaning of the expression really depends on context.

Monday, March 28, 2011

estar en coño

estar en coño - estar doblada (una pelicula), to be dubbed (a movie)

Some Chileans say that a movie "está en coño" instead of saying "está doblada" because the movies are almost always dubbed by Spaniards. "Coño" is a very typical vulgar word in Peninsular Spanish, while it's not used in Chilean Spanish, as far as I've noticed anyway. Except to express that a movie "está en coño."

Puta la weá, por la cresta!!! Estuve bajando Limitless toa la tarde, y la película reculiada estaba en coño!! Que pérdida de tiempo!!!

Fucking a! I was downloading Limitless all afternoon, and the fucking movie was dubbed!! What a waste of time!!

I'm not sure if this is an expression specific to Chile or if it's used in other Latin American countries too.

If you hear the word "coño" used in Chile, you might be hearing a Venezuelan talk.
